Orchard Accounting Solutions help you:-
- Get set up on QuickBooks correctly to accurately reflect your business
- Train you on how to use QuickBooks on a day to day basis.
- Create invoices that match your brand
- Control your cashflow, so you can see who owes you money and outstanding supplier bills.
- Create custom reports, such as costs per job, or area of the business.
- Enable you to be self-sufficient, with the knowledge the Orchard Accounting team are there to help you if you get stuck.
- Double check the accuracy on your books, enabling your accountant to view the information they need to submit your tax returns etc. and be in a better position to advise you on tax saving measures you could adopt.
QuickBooks has a number of pre-built reports, and the Orchard Accounting team can help set up custom reports to ensure you have the information available to make the right decisions for your business.
Here are a few of the reports available.
- Profit & Loss – showing your sales, costs and overheads
- Balance Sheet- showing your bank balance, who owes you money, and who you owe money to
- Aged Debt – which customers invoices are unpaid, showing whether they are overdue
- Job costing – the revenue and costs for each job, showing the contribution that job makes to the overall profit of your business
- Profit and Loss per income stream- breaking down sales into different categories (eg, products/services)
- CIS (Constuction Industry Scheme) – automatic deductions & reports for reclaiming
- VAT – recording and reporting figures for making VAT Returns easier to produce
You can download the App for your mobile or tablet, or access QuickBooks Online through your browser on your laptop or desktop.
QuickBooks Online provides you the flexibility to access your finances on the move.
Provided you have an internet connection anywhere in the world, you can check see if a customer has paid, or create and send an estimate or invoice.
To get started, give the Orchard Accounting Team a call. They will run through the options available, and the best option for your business.
Call: 01628 675620

